
Cork Oak

Quercus suber

quercus suberBotanical: Quercus suber L.
Location: Sestrica, Spain
Coordinates: 41.502254, -1.614883
Circumference: about 7 meters
Hight: about 8 meters
Age: unknown
Healing Effect: helps with diarrhea, is used in alternative cancer therapies

Here you can find further information about the Cork oak:

You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.

Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…

“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing



Photos: © Smoenjala ~ Golden Lifetree

Botanical image source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korkeiche#/media/File:Quercus_suber_-_K%C3%B6hler%E2%80%93s_Medizinal-Pflanzen-254.jpg