Thank You…

… to all those who supported Smoenjala and the Project of the Golden Lifetree during the first steps on this planet creating a beautiful and heartwarming opening Golden Lifetree Event!

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klangreisen.jpgPeter Graus for deriving the uniqueSymphony of the Golden Lifetree” from the first Golden Lifetree Motherpainting with a special technique. With this symphony and photographs we created a unique audio-visual “Journey into the Golden Lifetree that touches not only our ears but also our hearts and souls.



monique.png…Monique Shaiana Franke for her support during the first steps of the evolution of the worldproject Golden Lifetree.





…Sito Simancas from Radio Onda Tagoror, Playa Santiago, La Gomera for free radio advertising for our exhibition, for finding creative solutions, for his great heart and a true, deep bond.



cabildo.png…the island’s council for all their efforts, sincere cooperation and open-minded collaboration.





…Ruben and his team from “espectaculos dj junior”, who not only, by profession, dedicate their heart and their passion to children, but also put Smoenjala’s paintings into the right light and gave the music the right sound. But especially to Ruben, who has supported the Golden Lifetree project by taking over 90% of the light and sound costs for the opening event concert, for his kindheartedness, helpfulness and his capacity of finding solutions at the very last minute.

ayuntamiento.png…the City San Sebastián de La Gomera for their cooperation.




mini_boesner.gif…artist supply bösner in Forstinning for their creative ideas and the sponsoring over 100qm of canvas so the roots and branches of the Golden Lifetree can grow on and on!

sail1.gifKoni (Konrad) Sailer for his long-standing friendship and tireless background work.





…Timo Krause, who gave the Golden Lifetree project it’s digital platform with his programming skills.




amoln.jpg…the music association “Chácaras y Tambores Amolán” from San Sebastián de La Gomera who, without hesitation and with a lot of heart, built the bridge between tradition and future, with processions in their beautiful costumes, and two “romances”, especially written for the Golden Lifetree.



amera.jpg…Christa, Beate and Isabel of “La ÑAMERA” who have taken on the challenge of creating a unique Golden Lifetree birthday cake in form of a globe, in addition to all the other delicacies that have graced the beautiful buffet.



verenadennis.jpg…Denis and Verena for having created such an artful opening buffet, with so much love and detail.




juan_mesa_festival.jpg…Juan Mesa, Canarian artist, musician and composer for his immediate, unconditional willingness to support the Golden Lifetree project with his open-hearted, musical contribution. Also a thank you to Isabel, Renate and Maria from the choir of Juan Mesa.



christel.jpg…Christel Schaubitz, who accompanied Smoenjala at her silent concert with the clear sounds of her crystal bowls.




adi.png…Adrian Grassner and Günter Sonnenschein for their “melodic and harmonious” contribution the Golden Lifteree opening event and concert.




helping_hands.jpg…to all the invisible helping hands!!!!