The Garden of Eden
The Golden Lifetree is a creature of Universal Love. By her blossoms and fruits she lives in a timeless cycle of renewal and rebirth.
Yet another fruit of the “Golden Lifetree” is a living art-park, open to people from all over the world. It gives everyone the opportunity for transformation through her blossoms in form of workshops, concerts, exhibitions, lectures and meditations. Any visitor, who wants to relax for a few hours and view the artworks, can go on an empathic journey through the art-park. He may take a Golden Seed of Universal Love into his soul and carry it out into the world.
The “Garden of Eden” bundles the power of the Universal Love and so it connects countries, nations, cultures, people, nature and worlds with each other for a new peaceful and harmoneous future. This force is manifested and made visible through the artistic design of the garden and the buildings. The entire place is a holistic work of art composed of many pieces such as scultures, fountains and installations. All the artworks are created using new forms of expression and techniques which Smoenjala has developed over many years following higher inspirations. The most exceptional quality of these artworks is the perceptible dynamic of the continuous pulse of the Creation.
This is a holistic place of transformation. A “Garden of Eden” out of the future in the NOW, in which nature, humans and all living forms pulsate together in harmony. On the island of La Gomera ~ the birthplace of the Golden Lifetree ~ such a Healing Art Park is intended, which will harness the power of the Canary Islands.
Such Sacred Places of the New Age may arise in every country where it is supported and welcome…