Reise der Stille 2018 ~ Route 8

Silent Journey 2018 ~ Route 8

From La Gomera to Portugal and back to La Gomera

Journey of Silence” ~ a special divine mission that began with the birth and as a partial aspect of the Golden Lifetree peace project in 2013.

The Golden Lifetree represents the Universal love. The Journey of Silence is about anchoring, spreading and strenghtening this Universal Love on Planet Earth through a Golden Network of trees and powerful places.

Following this mission, Smoenjala has already visited many magnificent tree creatures and wonderful places across South-West Europe, and has provided the highest quality of light healing work in the service of earth and humanity.

Journey of Silence 2018 – Route 8

This year Smoenjala betakes once again onto this lightful mission. The current route started on La Gomera, the birthplace of the Golden Lifetree, and travels across the Atlantic to Portugal. Here the light work with the Atlantis Gate along the Atlantic coast is on the plan. Many new trees are on this route and will extend the Golden Network.

Everyone is welcome to accompany Smoenjala with bright and peaceful thoughts, wishes and energies. If possible, she will share little “reports” with us on this Golden Lifetree blog in the form of pictures or words.

After finishing work for the planet and the human collective, Smoenjala’s journey will return to La Gomera. There she will resume preparations for the upcoming events: the first peace event from the series “Rainbows of Peace of the Golden Lifetree” as well as the new exhibition in the government building of the island with new paintings in February 2019. And like every year she will open her doors and gates from January to April for the healing of souls (healing work on La Gomera).