Welcome to the blog of the Golden Lifetree

Golden Lifetree is an independant non-profit project which creates a connection through art to nature and the soul and nourishes peace and harmony in the world. The project moves as the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree around the world and makes stops in different countries. With various exhibitions and events it creates a platform for people to meet each other and nature freely and blissfully anew for a peaceful, harmonious and conscious living together on planet Earth.


(Olea europea sylvestris)

El Rocio, Spanien

Botanical name: Olea europea sylvestris
Location: El Rocio, Spain
Coordinates: 37.12873, -6.48245
Circunference: unknown
Height: unknown
Age: unknown
Healing Effects: helps in case of diarrhea, is used in alternative cancer therapies

Impressions of the last “Silent Visit” with this tree (spring 2015): http://tinyurl.com/olea-europea-rocio

Further insights into the different aspects of the Olea europea sylvestris:

You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.
Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…


“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing

The article with more photos from the journey Caravan of the Golden Lifetree in spring 2015: http://blog.golden-lifetree.org/index.php/de/18-impressions/84-die-kraft-der-auferstehung-stiller-besuch-am-ostersonntag-bei-einer-uralten-acebuche


On the road in Southern Spain

Part 2


You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.
Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…

“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing

Photos: © Smoenjala ~ Golden Lifetree

On the road in Southern Spain


You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.
Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…

“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing


Banyan Feigen

(Ficus benghalensis)

Vélez-Málaga, Spanien

Botanical name: Ficus benghalensis

Location: Vélez-Málaga, Spain
Coordinates: 36.782441, -4.110214
Circunference: unknown
Height: unknown
Age: unknown

Impressions of the last “Silent Visit” with this tree (spring 2015): http://tinyurl.com/ficus-benghalensis-malaga

Further insights into the different aspects of the Ficus benghalensis:

You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.
Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…

“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing


Photos: © Smoenjala ~ Golden Lifetree

“La Oliviera Grossa” in Villajoyosa

(Part 2)

You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.
Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…

“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing