Welcome to the blog of the Golden Lifetree

Golden Lifetree is an independant non-profit project which creates a connection through art to nature and the soul and nourishes peace and harmony in the world. The project moves as the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree around the world and makes stops in different countries. With various exhibitions and events it creates a platform for people to meet each other and nature freely and blissfully anew for a peaceful, harmonious and conscious living together on planet Earth.

Impressions of Silent Visit in Vienna (Austria)

with the Populus nigra and her neighbours


Hidden between the branches the Black Poplar appears standing strong in her realm…

Humbly she is showing her being…

Admiring her dress and embracing her fine and powerful energies…

Smoenjala brings a Golden Lifetree Painting as a present…

Thank You

Another Tree calls our attention…

They are all connected… and so we are.

Photos: © Smoenjala ~ Golden Lifetree

Ficus macrophylla

Sanremo, Italy

The light~flow of the caravan of the Golden Lifetree brings us forward to the Mediterranean coast. Here we will honour a powerful Ficus macrophylla in the Ligurian port town of Sanremo on the 03. February 2015. This creature has a circumference of 15 meters and a height of about 18 meters, its age is estimated at 140 years.

Ficus macrophylla in Sanremo

Botanical name: Ficus macrophylla
Location: Sanremo, Italy
Coordinates: 43.821974, 7.786437
Circunference: about 15 meters
Height: about 18 meters
Age: about 140 years

→ A Ficus macrophylla has a leading part in the movie “The Tree“!

Further insights into the different aspects of the Ficus macrophylla:

Double-tree near Casorzo

The “Bilabero di Casorzo” is a true rarity! A tall double tree consisting of a cherry tree that sits imposingly on a mulberry tree. The Silent Visit with this tree will take place on 02. February 2015.

Double Tree (Mulberry and Cherry) bei Casorzo

morus botanicalBotanical name: Morus (Mulberry) and Prunus avium (Cherry)
Location: between Grana and Casorzo, Italy
Coordinates: 45.004888°, 8.323039°
Circunference: unknown
Height: unknown
Age: unknown
Healing Effects: animating and stimulating, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, acid-secretory, skin tightening, strengthens the heart and blood circulation, promotes appetite and digestion
Celtic Tree Circle: “inspires body and spirit”, helps with mucosal inflammation, digestive disorders, iron deficiency

→ The Cherry tree was Tree of the Year 2010!

The “Bialbero di Casorzo” is a wonderful example of harmonious coexistence, because both trees thrive. This rare couple has similar requirements and needs and settled peacefully on a small piece of ground. Both trees belong to the botanical order of the rose family and are native throughout the northern hemisphere of our planet. They prefere warm and sheltered sites and deep, nutrient-limestone soils. The cherry is the more adaptable part, because she is widely cultivated in the northern areas of Scandinavia and heights up to 1800 meters. The Mulberry is one of the oldest cultivated plants and is mentioned in many traditions. This tree-couple is a true symbol of fertility…

prunus avium botanicalThe healing powers of mulberry help with mucosal inflammation, digestive disorders, iron deficiency and “inspire body and spirit.” The cherry is animating and stimulating, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and acid secretory, strengthens the heart and blood circulation, promotes appetite and digestion and tightens sagging skin on again.

Further insights into the different aspects of the Mulberry and Cherry tree:


Photo Morus: © http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maulbeeren
Photo Prunus avium: © http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vogel-Kirsche

Oriental Plane

(Platanus orientalis)

San Martino Platano, Italy

Oriental plane

platanus orientalis botanicalBotanical: Platanus orientalis
Location: San Martino Platano, Italy
Coordinates: 45.608116, 10.816534
Circunference: about 15 meters
Hight: about 23 meters
Age: about 615 years
Healing effects: relaxing, regenerating, groundbreaking, stabilizing, helps eye disease, wound healing, tooth pain and diarrhea

The Platanus orientalis (Platanus orientalis) is a common deciduous tree species in South East Europe, East Asia, Australia and Africa, which can often encounter along roads or running water. Characteristic of the plane are its spiny, drooping fruits and especially their platy flaking bark that leaves a mosaic of dark and light spots.

The plane has an astringent, eye and wound-healing effect, relieves diarrhea and toothache and was used earlier for snake bites and scorpion embroider.

It helps to keep track and motivates to make the right decisionsconfidently and responsibly.

Further insights into the different aspects of the Oriental plane:

Photo Platanus orientalis: © http://hortuscamden.com/plants/view/platanus_orientalis_l

Impressions of Silent Visit in Budapest (Hungary)

with Linden and Oak tree (Tilia and Quercus)

Be invited and tune into the Energy Flow of Universal Love through the images…

Encountering the subtle beauty of life all around…

…on the way to the first force~giving tree of this route of the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree

This panoramic ascension leads us to the place… The huge crown is welcoming us warmly with an open heart

Some people are already there in joyous anticipation…



…sensing and feeling…


…relieving and letting go of all exterior distraction turning our attention deep inside into the core thuth of our being

Smoenjala re~connects the place and the group to the Highest Source of Creation and Solaris, the inner Sun of Mother Earth… A pillar of light transmitting Golden Flow of Universal Love ~ a Power Place ~ is created which is being sustained by this mighty tree…

Thank You

Smoenjala leaves a humble present for the tree ~ a combined “Golden Cosmic Lifetree” painting ~ symbolizing the ascesnsion of the Planetary Consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness

Remaining this connection in our hearts…

…we move together…

…in silence…

…down to the Danube river.

A pure chystal has been energized during the Meditation with the Tree…

…together we strenghten this Flow of Universal Love…

…through our thoughts… feelings… words… deeds… and our attention

May this Blessing of Light spread through the waters all over the world and help raising our Planet as a whole to the next level…

…of a conscious togetherness in Peace and Harmony

Photos: © Smoenjala ~ Golden Lifetree