Welcome to the blog of the Golden Lifetree

Golden Lifetree is an independant non-profit project which creates a connection through art to nature and the soul and nourishes peace and harmony in the world. The project moves as the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree around the world and makes stops in different countries. With various exhibitions and events it creates a platform for people to meet each other and nature freely and blissfully anew for a peaceful, harmonious and conscious living together on planet Earth.

Start of the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree in Budapest

After a preparatory phase the moment has finally arrived – on 14th of January 2015 the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree starts the next stage. The route flows from the Hungarian capital Budapest, through Vienna, passing the Chiemsee in Germany continuing down to Italy and along the coast of France, Spain and Portugal. Finally, we take the boat across the Great Water to the Canary Islands of Tenerife and onwards to the birthplace of the project to La Gomera.

golden lifetree caravan route budapest lagomera

World Meditations with Trees

On the route of the caravan honorable Tree visits to old, large and important trees will be made. Wherever it is possible meditations with the trees will take place in order to strengthen their original healing powers again. Everyone is invited to participate – whether connected personally on location or in the spirit from distance, at the proposed time, or in a silent moment.

Large-Crowned Oak and young Linden Tree

The first honourable Silent Visit with Meditation and a ceremonial departure takes place in the Gellértpark by an Oak and Linden tree on the 14th of January 2015 at 11.00 o’clock.

Everyone is welcome to participate and initiate the flow of the Golden Light of Universal Love of this route and around the world!

The first force-giving trees on this route is are a large-crowned oak tree and a young linden tree. The oak is a symbol of the community, the joy of life and love. The linden tree With it’s expansive dome the oak seems generously and with an open heart to embrace the whole world and enhances such a feeling in each of us, together.

With this feeling strenghtened by the combined power of these trees the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree starts this route.

And so Smoenjala likes to open the possibillity of a honourable meditation with these trees for all those who wish to connect to this gathering. In this place a pure channel of Universal Love will be opened up. We will connect with the trees as Light-Gates and let the Golden Flow of Universel Love stream through our heart. Then we will carry this Flow of Love down to the element of water. The flowing Danube is connected to all major waters on this planet and so the information of the peaceful coexistence can spread everywhere.

The Oak Tree

quercus botanicalBotanical: Quercus
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Coordinates: 47.48612, 19.04468
Circumference: unknown
Hight: unknown
Age: about 120 years
Healing effects: astringent, antibacterial, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, helps eczema, badly healing wounds, diarrhea, sore throat, oral mucositis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, intestinal mucosal inflammation, hemorrhoids, lowering blood sugar, diabetes (lightweight), bladder infection, eyelid inflammation, eczema, Fusschweiss, athlete’s foot, chilblains, varicose veins, burns (mild), boils, bleeding gums, sores (decubitus), cuts, pruritus ani
Celtic Tree Circle: steady, flexible, reliable, creative, clever, inventive (21.3.)

→ The Oak Tree was the first to be honoured Tree of the year 1989!

Origin of Mankind

“The Oak asserts in the tradition the first rank among the trees. In Greece and Italy she was considered to be the “first plant” to which the origin of the people has been attributed. The oak was of particular importance by the close relationship with the sky gods. So she was sanctified to Zeus by the Greeks, to Jupiter by the Romans and the thunder and storm god Donar in Germania. The reason for that is probably to be sought in the fact that among the native tree species the oaks are especially often met by lightning.” (http://baum-des-jahres.de/index.php?id=493)

Further insights into the different aspects of Oak Tree:

The Linden Tree

tilia botanicalBotanical name: Tilia
Location: Budapest, Hungary
Coordinates: 47.4869780, 19.0473530
Circunference: unknown
Height: unknown
Age: almost 120 years
Healing effects: calming, blood purifying, relaxing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, expectorant, diaphoretic, helps with flu, heartburn, intestinal inflammation, constipation, rheumatism, cystitis, hypertension, dropsy, edema, migraine, insomnia, anxiety, lumbago, sciatica, wounds, wrinkles
Celtic Tree Circle: harmonious, fair, attentive, joyful, sociable (11.-20.3. and 13.-22.9.)

→ The Linden-Tree was Tree of the Year 1991!

Further insights into the different aspects of Linden Tree: