Impressions on the road to Tamera


Tamera is an ecovillage project with a long history. Smoenjala was invited on a visit to this interesting village, situated in the middle of a hilly landscape of Portugal.

Tamera about itself on

“Tamera is a School and Research Station for Realistic Utopia

The project was founded in Germany in 1978. In 1995 it moved to Portugal. Today 170 people live and work on a property of 330 acres.

The founding thought was to develop a non-violent life model for cooperation between human being, animal and nature. Soon it became clear that the healing of love and of human community had to be placed at the center of this work. Sexuality, love and partnership need to be freed from lying and fear, for there can be no peace on Earth as long as there is war in love. The ecological and technological research of Tamera includes the implementation of a retention landscape for the healing of water and nature, as well as a model for regional autonomy in energy and food. Through the Global Campus and the Terra Nova School we are working within a global network on the social, ecological and ethical foundations for a new Earth – Terra Nova.”

You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.
Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…
“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing