Welcome to the blog of the Golden Lifetree

Golden Lifetree is an independant non-profit project which creates a connection through art to nature and the soul and nourishes peace and harmony in the world. The project moves as the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree around the world and makes stops in different countries. With various exhibitions and events it creates a platform for people to meet each other and nature freely and blissfully anew for a peaceful, harmonious and conscious living together on planet Earth.

Verschoben: Stiller Besuch in Freiburg bei der Schwarzen Walnuss am 12.04.2015 um 13:00

Dear Humans and Companions of the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree… We would like to inform you, that the Silent Visit and Meditation with the Black Walnut (Junglans nigra) in Freiburg has been moved to Sunday, 12th of April 2015, 13.00.

Turkish hazel

(Corylus colurna)

Heidelberg, Germany

The Caravan of the Golden Lifetree reaches the stopover of this route at a great Turkish Hazel in Heidelberg. The Silent Visit takes place in the Botanic Garden of Heidelberg on 16. April 2015.

Turkish hazel in Heidelberg

Baumhasel botanischBotanical: Corylus colurna
Location: Heidelberg, Germany
Coordinates: 49.415389, 8.667741
Circumference: about 2,5 meters
Hight: about 23 meters
Age: about 105 years
Healing Effects: antipyretic, vasoconstrictor, hemostatic and diaphoretic, helps with wrinkles
Celtic Tree Circle: truthful, straightforward, reliable (22.-31.3. and 24.9.-3.10.)

Further insights into the different aspects of the Turkish hazel:

Photo Corylus coruna: © http://www.rundumdiebiene.de/gehoelze/baumhasel.php4 ~ Thank you

Black Walnut

(Juglans nigra)

Freiburg, Germany

The first Silent Visit in Germany of this route of the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree takes place on 12. April 2015 in Freiburg by the seldom big Black Walnut…

Black Walnut in Freiburg

Botanical: Juglans nigra
Location: Freiburg, Germany
Coordinates: 47.987068159422, 7.9021055996418
Circumference: about 8 meters
Hight: about 29 meters
Age: unknown
Healing Effects: astringent, stimulating, blood purifier, hemostatic, inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic, changes in appetite, dyspepsia, gastritis, intestinal inflammation, constipation, gall weakness, Rhemua, gout, arthritis, diabetes, shingles, arteriosclerosis, heart rhythm disorders, menstrual disorders, hair loss, skin inflammation, eczema, psoriasis, blepharitis, acne, pimples, hemorrhoids, pruritus ani, athlete’s foot, foot sweat, Excessive sweating, corns, warts

→ The Walnut is “Tree of the year 2008“!

Further insights into the different aspects of the Black Walnut:

Photo: © www.monumentaltrees.com

Giant Sequoia and Small-leaved lime

(Sequoiadendron giganteum, Tilia cordata)

Vichy and Maussac Bourg, France

Giant Sequoia in Vichy

sequoiadendron giganteum botanicalBotanical: Sequoiadendron giganteum
Location: Vichy, France
Coordinates: 46.12118549543038, 3.418036848306656
Circumference: about 5,2 meters
Hight: unknown
Age: unknown

Further insights into the different aspects of the Giant Sequoia:

Small-leaved Lime in Maussac Bourg

tilia cordata botanical

Botanical: Tilia cordata
Location: Maussac Bourg, France
Coordinates: 45.472217, 2.143575
Circumference: about 5,9 meters
Hight: unknown
Age: about 415 years
Healing Effect: calm, blood purifier, relaxing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, antispasmodic, expectorant, diaphoretic, helps with flu, heartburn, intestinal inflammation, constipation, rheumatism, cystitis, hypertension, dropsy, edema, migraine, insomnia, anxiety, lumbago, sciatica, wounds, wrinkles
Celtic Tree Circle: harmonious, fair, attentive, joyful, sociable
(11.-20.3. and 13.-22.9.)

Further insights into the different aspects of the Small-leaved Lime:

Photo Tilia cordata: © http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winterlinde
Photo Sequoiadendron giganteum: © http://www.postersguide.com/posters/giant-sequoia-sequoiadendron-giganteum-plant-with-flower-leaf-and-seed-illustration-7148019.html ~ Thank you


(Taxus baccata)

The first tree-visit in France takes place at a very special ancient Yew. It is a great honour to be able to meet this powerful being…

Yew in Vigeois

taxus baccata botanicalBotanical: Taxus baccata
Location: Vigeois, France
Coordinates: 45.378927, 1.516756
Circumference: about 9,9 meters
Hight: about 14 meters
Age: about 1115 years
Healing Effect: centering, laxative, cardiotonic, promoting menstruation, vermifuge, cell division inflammatory, helps with bladder disorders, cough, catarrh, scabies, scurvy, worms, cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, gout, skin rashes, heart disease, liver disease, rheumatism
Celtic Tree Circle: unconcerned, individualistic, persevering, take longer to see the path, patient, virtuous (3.-11.11.)

→ The Yew is “Tree of the year 1994“!

Further insights into the different aspects of the Yew:

Photo Taxus baccata: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiben ~ Thank you