Welcome to the blog of the Golden Lifetree

Golden Lifetree is an independant non-profit project which creates a connection through art to nature and the soul and nourishes peace and harmony in the world. The project moves as the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree around the world and makes stops in different countries. With various exhibitions and events it creates a platform for people to meet each other and nature freely and blissfully anew for a peaceful, harmonious and conscious living together on planet Earth.

Painting of Drago Centenario de La Gomera

made by Smoenjala and provided for meditation and contemplation

This expression of the Canarian Dragon Tree was painted by Smoenjala some years ago using her own mixed media techniques.
Smoenjala invites everyone to take a few minutes to contemplate with this painting… To embrace the forms and colours and to sense the energy that is flowing towards you and acknowlwdge the feelings that arise…

In the following weeks Smoenjala will be providing to the public time an time again in addition to the numerous photographs also painted images free for every one, who wishes to use these pictures as gates to contemplate and receive…

All photos, paintings & words: © Smoenjala ~ Golden Lifetree

Drago Centenario de La Gomera

Canarian Dragon Tree (Dracaena draco)

Agalán, La Gomera, Canarian Islands, Spain

The last Silent Visit on main-land takes place in Mazagón with the dancing Pine Tree…

Dragon tree in Agalán, La Gomera

dracaena dracoBotanical name: Dracaena draco
Location: Agalán, La Gomera Canarian Islands (Spain)
Coordinates: 28.074715, -17.246555
Circunference: about 4-5 meters
Height: about 10 meters
Age: unknown
Healing Effects: detoxifying, antiseptic, helps with colds, gum infections, cancer therapies, protects against negative energies

Impressions: http://tinyurl.com/pinus-pinea-mazagon

→ The Canarian Dragon Tree only blooms every 15 years!

The Canarian dragon tree blooms about every 15 years with large white bell flowers that turn into orange berries later. It’s leaves are light to dark green and sword-shaped, the stem is silver gray and the tree develops with age it’s characteristic appearance with an overgrown trunk and cantilevered umbrella crown. It is an evergreen, slow growing and long living tree. In former times it was a very valuable plant to produce natural pigments with a particular color, which was mainly used for church paintings and noble color production. This particular shade is known as dragon’s blood”. It is said that in ancient times the viscous sap of the tree has served as toothpaste and tea from it’s fruits was used against cough.

Further insights into the different aspects of the Dragon Tree:

Botanical image: © http://www.zeno.org/Meyers-1905/I/050154a

Hike to the Drago Centenario…

Photos: © Smoenjala ~ Golden Lifetree

Golden Lifetree

wishes Happy New Year 2016!

(New video publication on YouTube)

Smoenjala and the Golden Lifetre team whish everyone a happy and healthy New Year 2016
filled with light, peace and inner silence.

At this solemn occasion of the festive season we publish with love the following film…


Dancing pine tree

(Pinus pinea)

Mazagón, Spain

pinus pinea botanicalBotanical name: Pinus pinea
Location: Mazagón, Spain
Coordinates: 37.113872, -6.768966
Circunference: unknown
Height: unknown
Age:  about 285 years
Healing Effects: help with insect bites, wounds, varicose veins, muscle pain, earaches, colds, stomach or intestinal disorders

Impressions: http://tinyurl.com/pinus-pinea-mazagon

→ The Pine strengthens the entire system physically and mentally!

Further insights into the different aspects of the Pine Tree:



Photos: © Smoenjala ~ Golden Lifetree

Tasmanian blue gum

(Eucalyptus globulus)

El Rocio, Spain

eukalyptusBotanical: Eucalyptus globulus
Location: El Rocio, Spain
Coordinates: 37.12759, -6.479663
Circumference: about 8 meters
Hight: 25-30 meters
Age: unknown
Healing Effect: antibacterial, antiviral, hypoglycemic, bronchi widening, deodorant, blood circulation, anti-inflammatory, refreshing, antipyretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, antifungal, regenerating, expectorant, helps with acne, angina, asthma, cystitis, diabetes, fever, joint pain, ulcers, gout, influenza, shingles, herpes, insect bites, sore throat, tonsillitis, migraine, muscle aches, muscle pain, sinusitis, neuralgia, neuralgia, nephritis, rheumatism, poorly healing wounds, sinusitis, tuberculosis (supportive), indigestion (not with inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract) gingivitis …

Here you can find further information about the Blue gum:

You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.
Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…


“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing