Welcome to the blog of the Golden Lifetree

Golden Lifetree is an independant non-profit project which creates a connection through art to nature and the soul and nourishes peace and harmony in the world. The project moves as the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree around the world and makes stops in different countries. With various exhibitions and events it creates a platform for people to meet each other and nature freely and blissfully anew for a peaceful, harmonious and conscious living together on planet Earth.

Korkeiche “Sobreiro”

Quercus suber L.

Cork oak (Quercus suber L.)

Quercus suberBotanical: Quercus suber L.
Location: Águas de Moura, Portugal
Coordinates: 38.58275, -8.68932
Circumference: ca. 6 Meter
Hight: unknown
Age: unknown
Healing Effect: helps with diarrhea, is used in alternative cancer therapies

Here you can find further information about the Cork oak:

You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.


Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…

“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing

Botanical image source: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korkeiche#/media/File:Quercus_suber_-_K%C3%B6hler%E2%80%93s_Medizinal-Pflanzen-254.jpg

Anniversary and the Silent Journey 2017

Route 1 from La Gomera to Hungary via Portugal and the Azores island of Saõ Miguel, Spain, France, Italy, Austria and Germany

Ficus Benjamina, San Sebastián de La Gomera, Spain

4 Years Golden Lifetee

Now it’s been four years since Smoenjala launched the world-wide peace art project Golden Lifetree on 25 April, the day of the tree. In a small circle of people this day was celebrated peacefully and in deep contemplation, in quiet anticipation of all that will come.

Full of gratitude, we look back on the past four years and full of anticipation we expect the coming. We would like to thank everyone who has supported the project and sustained the growth of the Golden Lifetree during this time.

We would like to invite you to celebrate with us together and to reflect on the peaceful essence of the project and its development with these two films:

Silent Journey 2017 – Route 1

The Golden Life Tree stands for Universal Love.
Every year, the Golden Network of Universal Love grows through the Route of the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree. Through new trees and places the network is constantly being expanded and strengthened.

This year again, Smoenjala is on the road on this lightful mission. The current route started on La Gomera, the birthplace of the Golden Lifetree, and leads to Hungary via Portugal and the Azores island of Saõ Miguel, Spain, France, Italy, Austria and Germany. Many new trees lie on this route and expand the network.

The large weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) at the Plaza de Constitución in San Sebasián de La Gomera was chosen as the starting tree.

Bildergebnis für san sebastian de la gomera Plaza de ConstituciónBotanical: Ficus benjamina
Location: San Sebastián de La Gomera
Coordinates: 28.091054, -17.110131
Circumference: unknown
Hight: unknown
Age: unknown
Healing Effect: Antibacterial, helps with colds, rheumatic joint pain and swelling

Pyrenean Oak

Casabelloza, Spanien

(Quercus pyrenaica)

Rebollo (Quercus pyrenaica)Botanical: Quercus pyrenaica
Location: Cabezabellosa, Spanien
Coordinates: 40.123487, -5.980055
Circumference: ca. 6 Meter
Hight: unknown
Age: unknown
Healing Effect: mainly Eczema, Poor Healing Wounds, Diarrhea, can also help with throat pain, mucous membrane inflammations, gastric mucosal infections, gastric ulcers, intestinal mucosa infections, hemorrhoids, diabetes (light), bladder infections, eyelid inflammation, Pressure ulcers, abdominal pain, after-aches, astringent, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, lowering blood glucose, is used in alternative cancer therapies

Here you can find further information about the Pyrenean oak:


You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.

Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…

“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing


Photos: © Smoenjala ~ Golden Lifetree

Botanical image source: http://www.sdlmedioambiente.com/rutadelbiobosque/Rebollo_(Quercus_pyrenaica).html


Pinus pinaster

Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster)

http://wintersun-pharma.com/wp-content/uploads/pinus-pinaster.jpgBotanical: Pinus pinaster
Location: Biarritz, France
Coordinates: 43.479428, -1.559387
Circumference: ca. 4,6 Meter
Hight: unknown
Age: unknown
Healing Effect: helps with insect bites, wounds, varicose veins, muscle aches, earaches, colds, gastrointestinal complaints, bronchitis, coughs, circulatory disorders, nervousness, nasal sinusitis, neuralgia, rheumatism, gout, helps the body as a whole, both physically and mentally

Here you can find further information about the Maritime pine:

You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.

Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…

“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing




Gewöhnliche Robinie

Robinia pseudoacacia

Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)

http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m60t9bRTBO1qi77y6.jpgBotanical: Robinia pseudoacacia
Location: Saint-Hilaire-la-Palud, France
Coordinates: 46.264294, -0.714168
Circumference: about 4 meters
Hight: unknown
Age: unknown
Healing Effect: Antiseptic, emollient, vomiting, hyperacidity, stomach pain, migraine, stomach pain, stomach pain, stomach pain, Acid belching, heartburn, tobacco, nausea

Here you can find further information about the Black locust:

You can meditatate with these images and embrace the healing energies flowing through it.
Intuitively go to the image that attracts you in this moment…

“I open myself and accept everything that flows towards me
through this Light-Gate out of the Flow of the Purest Divine Consciousness…
And i accept the healing


Botanical image source: https://hu.pinterest.com/pin/99642210478512597/