Welcome to the blog of the Golden Lifetree

Golden Lifetree is an independant non-profit project which creates a connection through art to nature and the soul and nourishes peace and harmony in the world. The project moves as the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree around the world and makes stops in different countries. With various exhibitions and events it creates a platform for people to meet each other and nature freely and blissfully anew for a peaceful, harmonious and conscious living together on planet Earth.

Olive Tree and Pine Tree

(Olea europea, Pinus pinea)

Salou and Reus, Spain

The next Silent Visits are taking place on 23. February 2015 with an Olive tree in Salou and with a Pine tree in Reus.

Olive Tree in Salou

Olea europea

Botanical name: Olea europea
Location: Salou, Spain
Coordinates: 41.084557, 1.137827
Circunference: about 5 meters
Height: about 9 meters
Age: unknown
Healing Effects: digestive, regenerating, lowers blood pressure, helps with skin problems
Celtic Tree Circle: resistant, quiet, calm, confident, persistent, attentive, thoughtful, conscientious, patient, helpful (29.9.)

→ Some Olive trees are over 3000 years old!

The olive tree (Olea europea) is one of the oil family and is one of the oldest crops of our cultural history. The olive tree likes it sunny and warm and can survive with very little water from well. She is an evergreen tree that grows very gnarled and branched and has narrow, elongated, silver green leaves.

Her healing powers have a regenerating effect, lowers blood pressure, promotes digestion and is used for skin problems as oil, cream or lotion.

Further insights into the different aspects of the Olive Tree:

Pine Tree in Reus

pinus pinea botanical

Botanical name: Pinus pinea
Location: Reus, Spain
Coordinates: 41.144506, 1.144414
Circunference: about 4,5 meters
Height: about 18 meters
Age:  unknown
Healing Effects: help with insect bites, wounds, varicose veins, muscle pain, earaches, colds, stomach or intestinal disorders

→ The Pine strengthens the entire system physically and mentally!

Further insights into the different aspects of the Pine Tree:

Photo Olea europea: © http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivenbaum
Photo Pinus pinea: © http://scientificillustration.tumblr.com/post/30472822630/pinus-pinea-by-biodivlibrary-on-flickr-the-stone

Cork Oak

(Quercus suber)

Frejús, France

The next Silent Visit on the route of the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree takes place in the park of Villa Auréliene in the sunny harbor town of Fréjus.

Cork Oak in Frejús

Quercus suber botanicalBotanical name: Fagus sylvatica
Location: Fréjus, France
Coordinates: 43.442294, 6.743583
Circunference: about 5,2 meters
Height: unknown
Age: unknown
Healing Effects: helps with diarrhea, is used in alternative cancer therapies

→ The Cork Oak is “fireproof”!

Further insights into the different aspects of the Cork Oak:

Photo Quercus suber: © http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korkeiche

Olive Tree

(Olea europea)

Menton, France

Next stop ahead on our route along the Chemin de Menton in Roquebrune is the old olive tree. This magnificent example is about 23 meters high, has a circumference of 15 meters and her proud age is estimated at 2000 years! The Silent Visit with this wonder-being is on 07. February 2015.

Olive Tree in Menton

Olea europea botanicalBotanical name: Olea europea
Location: Menton, France
Coordinates: 43.763772, 7.464031
Circunference: about 23 meters
Height: about 15 meters
Age: about 2000 years
Healing Effects: digestive, regenerating, lowers blood pressure, helps with skin problems
Celtic Tree Circle: resistant, quiet, calm, confident, persistent, attentive, thoughtful, conscientious, patient, helpful (29.9.)

→ Some Olive trees are over 3000 years old!

The olive tree (Olea europea) is one of the oil family and is one of the oldest crops of our cultural history. The olive tree likes it sunny and warm and can survive with very little water from well. She is an evergreen tree that grows very gnarled and branched and has narrow, elongated, silver green leaves.

Her healing powers have a regenerating effect, lowers blood pressure, promotes digestion and is used for skin problems as oil, cream or lotion.

Further insights into the different aspects of the Olive Tree:

Photo Olea europea: © http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olive

Mexican White Cedar

(Cupressus lusitanica)

Capo Mortola, France

A little further on our way there is a magnificent, tall Mexican White Cedar in the Hanbury Botanic Garden at Capo Mortola. This Mexican White Cedar (Cupressus lusitanica) has a circumference of about 5.6 meters and a height of 26 meters. It was planted in 1869 and is therefore exactly 146 years old. The Silent Visit with this tree takes place on 06. February 2015.

Mexican White Cedar at Capo Mortola

Cupressus lustrianica botanicalBotanical name: Cupressus lusitanica
Location: Capo Mortola, Italy
Coordinates: 43.783377, 7.555077
Circunference: about 5,6 meters
Height: about 26 meters
Age: 146 years (planted 1869)
Healing Effects: antibacterial, antiseptic, expectorant, relieves symptoms of menstruation and menopause, helps with respiratory problems and fever, diarrhea and varicose veins, strengthens clear view and resistibility, vitality and mental balance

→ As evergreen lifetree, the cypress is often found in cemeteries!

It’s natural habitat is located in Central America. It grows mainly on volcanic soils on rocky slopes and can thrive at altitudes up to 4000 meters. It is grown in Africa as useful timber wood and is commonly used in Costa Rica as a Christmas tree.

The Cypress has a long tradition as a temple tree and was revered as a sacred tree for millennia. In earlier times ships were constructed out of her ultra-durable wood and manufactured doors and roofs of religious sites.

It’s healing powers are antibacterial, antiseptic and expectorant to relieve symptoms of menstrual and menopause and help with respiratory problems, fever, diarrhea, and varicose veins. The Cypress strengthens clear view and resistibility, vitality and mental balance.

Further insights into the different aspects of the Mexican White Cedar:

Photo Cupressus lusitanica: © http://arboretum.ufm.edu/wp-content/uploads/Cupressus_lusitanica1.jpg

Ficus macrophylla

Sanremo, Italy

The light~flow of the caravan of the Golden Lifetree brings us forward to the Mediterranean coast. Here we will honour a powerful Ficus macrophylla in the Ligurian port town of Sanremo on the 03. February 2015. This creature has a circumference of 15 meters and a height of about 18 meters, its age is estimated at 140 years.

Ficus macrophylla in Sanremo

Botanical name: Ficus macrophylla
Location: Sanremo, Italy
Coordinates: 43.821974, 7.786437
Circunference: about 15 meters
Height: about 18 meters
Age: about 140 years

→ A Ficus macrophylla has a leading part in the movie “The Tree“!

Further insights into the different aspects of the Ficus macrophylla: