Welcome to the blog of the Golden Lifetree

Golden Lifetree is an independant non-profit project which creates a connection through art to nature and the soul and nourishes peace and harmony in the world. The project moves as the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree around the world and makes stops in different countries. With various exhibitions and events it creates a platform for people to meet each other and nature freely and blissfully anew for a peaceful, harmonious and conscious living together on planet Earth.

Impressions of Silent Visit in Barcelona (Spain)

with Casuarina cunninghamiana in the Parc de la Ciutadella

Photos: © Smoenjalaala ~ Golden Lifetree

Parc Natural Du Verdon (France)

On our route through France the Divine Guidance is leading to the beautiful Parc Natural Du Verdon. Upon intuition we meet Bruno and Lulu, the friendly and hospitable keepers of Camping Municipal Notre Dame in Bauduen at the Lac de Saint Croix. Inspired by the Project of the Golden Lifetree and our journey they show us some wonderful Tree-treasures of the Verdon…

The local “Tree-Man” Phillippe is sharing with us the story how the Tree-beings of the Magic Forest protected their territory and scared away Jules Cesar and his men. Following history Cesar turned around at the Foret du Verdon…

We are very grateful for these presents…


Photos © Golden Lifetree

Ficus macrophylla and Olea europea

Valencia and villajoyosa, Spain

Next, expects a Ficus macrophylla in Valencia and a very old Olive tree in Villajoyosa a Silent Visit from the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree on the 26. February 2015.

Ficus macrophylla in Valencia

Botanical name: Ficus macrophylla
Location: Valencia, Spain
Coordinates: 39.472258, -0.370343
Circunference: about 12 meters
Height: unknown
Age: about 180 years

→ A Ficus macrophylla has a leading part in the movie “The Tree“!

Further insights into the different aspects of the Ficus macrophylla:

Olive Tree in Villajoyosa

Olea europea botanicalBotanical name: Olea europea
Location: Villajoyosa, Spain
Coordinates: 38.521074, -0.243146
Circunference: about 9,3 meters
Height: about 9 meters
Age: about 1400 years
Healing Effects: digestive, regenerating, lowers blood pressure, helps with skin problems
Celtic Tree Circle: resistant, quiet, calm, confident, persistent, attentive, thoughtful, conscientious, patient, helpful (23.9.)

Impressions: http://tinyurl.com/olea-europea-villajoyosa

→ Some Olive trees are over 3000 years old!

The olive tree (Olea europea) is one of the oil family and is one of the oldest crops of our cultural history. The olive tree likes it sunny and warm and can survive with very little water from well. She is an evergreen tree that grows very gnarled and branched and has narrow, elongated, silver green leaves.

Her healing powers have a regenerating effect, lowers blood pressure, promotes digestion and is used for skin problems as oil, cream or lotion.

Further insights into the different aspects of the Olive Tree:


Photo Olea europea: © http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/thumb/e/e1/Tafelneuolive4.jpg/245px-Tafelneuolive4.jpg

St John’s-bread and Olive Tree

(Ceratonia siliqua, Olea europea)

Sant Joan de Moró and Castelló de la Plana

The series of honourable Silent Visits continue on 25. February 2015 with St John’s-bread tree in Sant Joan de Moró and Olive tree in Castelló de la Plana.

St John’s-bread in Sant Joan de Moró

Ceratonia siliquaBotanical name: Ceratonia siliqua
Location: Sant Joan de Moró, Spain
Coordinates: 40.057726, -0.131117
Circunference: about 7,7 meters
Height: unknown
Age:  unknown
Healing Effects: astringent, emollient, diuretic, helps with diarrhea, dyspepsia, heartburn, constipation, strengthens the immune system and lowers the Cholisterin- and blood sugar levels

Impressions: http://tinyurl.com/seratonia-siliqua-saint-joan


Further insights into the different aspects of the St John’s-bread:

Olive Tree in Castelló de la Plana

Olea europeaBotanical name: Olea europea
Location: Castelló de la Plana, Spain
Coordinates: 39.989406, -0.038704
Circunference: about 6,3 meters
Height: unknown
Age: unknown
Healing Effects: digestive, regenerating, lowers blood pressure, helps with skin problems
Celtic Tree Circle: resistant, quiet, calm, confident, persistent, attentive, thoughtful, conscientious, patient, helpful (23.9.)

Impressionen: http://tinyurl.com/olea-europea-castello-plana


→ Some Olive trees are over 3000 years old!

The olive tree (Olea europea) is one of the oil family and is one of the oldest crops of our cultural history. The olive tree likes it sunny and warm and can survive with very little water from well. She is an evergreen tree that grows very gnarled and branched and has narrow, elongated, silver green leaves.

Her healing powers have a regenerating effect, lowers blood pressure, promotes digestion and is used for skin problems as oil, cream or lotion.

Further insights into the different aspects of the Olive Tree:

Photo Ceratonia siliqua: © http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannisbrotbaum
Photo Olea europea: © http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivenbaum

Field Elm and Olive Tree

(Ulmus minor, Olea europea)

The next Tree-Meditations are taking place in Salou with an Olive tree and in Reus with a Pine tree…

Field Elm in Cálig (Spain)

Ulmus minor

Botanical name: Ulmus minor
Location: Cálig, Spain
Koordinaten: 40.46436, 0.342059
Circunference: about 9,3 meters
Height: unknown
Age: unknown
Healing Effects
: auflösend, transformierend, adstringierend, entzündungshemmend, harntreibend, hilft bei Mundschleimhautentzündung, Gastritis, Durchfall, Hämorrhoiden, Gicht, langsam heilenden Wunden, Ekzeme
Celtic Tree Circle: entschlossen, klar, wach, intelligent, geradlinig, ehrlich (12.-24.1. and 15.-25.7.)

Further insights into the different aspects of the Elm:

Olive Tree in La Jana

Olea europea

Botanical name: Olea europea
Location: Salou, Spain
Coordinates: 40.499189, 0.232869
Circunference: about 14 meters
Height: unknown
Age: unknown
Healing Effects: digestive, regenerating, lowers blood pressure, helps with skin problems
Celtic Tree Circle: resistant, quiet, calm, confident, persistent, attentive, thoughtful, conscientious, patient, helpful (23.9.)

→ Some Olive trees are over 3000 years old!

The olive tree (Olea europea) is one of the oil family and is one of the oldest crops of our cultural history. The olive tree likes it sunny and warm and can survive with very little water from well. She is an evergreen tree that grows very gnarled and branched and has narrow, elongated, silver green leaves.

Her healing powers have a regenerating effect, lowers blood pressure, promotes digestion and is used for skin problems as oil, cream or lotion.

Further insights into the different aspects of the Olive Tree:

Photo Ulmus minor: © http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feldulme
Photo Olea europea: © http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivenbaum