25. April is International Arbor Day

On this occasion a special “Silent Visit” is taking place at 12.00 witan old oak tree at the Drei-Eichen-Weg (Three Oaks Road) on the Königstuhl in Heidelberg…

Everyone is invited to participate – whether connected personally on location or in the spirit from distance, at the proposed time, or in a silent moment

Honor the trees, because they are our brothers and sisters…

To contemplate about the trees Smoenjala sends these lines…

The Lifetree

By the Tree of Life we will awake to a New Life. It shows what we are and where life is leading us to. The Lifetree is a map that helps people to get through the maze of life, right to their deepest core and their own Highest Truth. It represents the synthesis of heaven and earth, it is the symbol of the balance between the worlds, stands for harmony, perpetual renewal and rebirth. The Tree of Life is the quintessence of all that Life is.


The Caravan of the Golden Lifetree moves forward from Heidelberg to Rosenheim. In Rosenheim Smoenjala holds lectures, seminars and workshops. For more information please see the calendar.

The activities and events of the caravan you can continue to follow on the BLOG