Impressions of Silent Visit in Budapest (Hungary)
with Linden and Oak tree (Tilia and Quercus)
Be invited and tune into the Energy Flow of Universal Love through the images…
Encountering the subtle beauty of life all around…
…on the way to the first force~giving tree of this route of the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree
This panoramic ascension leads us to the place… The huge crown is welcoming us warmly with an open heart
Some people are already there in joyous anticipation…
…sensing and feeling…
…relieving and letting go of all exterior distraction turning our attention deep inside into the core thuth of our being
Smoenjala re~connects the place and the group to the Highest Source of Creation and Solaris, the inner Sun of Mother Earth… A pillar of light transmitting Golden Flow of Universal Love ~ a Power Place ~ is created which is being sustained by this mighty tree…
Thank You
Smoenjala leaves a humble present for the tree ~ a combined „Golden Cosmic Lifetree“ painting ~ symbolizing the ascesnsion of the Planetary Consciousness to Cosmic Consciousness
Remaining this connection in our hearts…
…we move together…
…in silence…
…down to the Danube river.
A pure chystal has been energized during the Meditation with the Tree…
…together we strenghten this Flow of Universal Love…
…through our thoughts… feelings… words… deeds… and our attention
May this Blessing of Light spread through the waters all over the world and help raising our Planet as a whole to the next level…
…of a conscious togetherness in Peace and Harmony
Photos: © Smoenjala ~ Golden Lifetree