Welcome to the blog of the Golden Lifetree

Golden Lifetree is an independant non-profit project which creates a connection through art to nature and the soul and nourishes peace and harmony in the world. The project moves as the Caravan of the Golden Lifetree around the world and makes stops in different countries. With various exhibitions and events it creates a platform for people to meet each other and nature freely and blissfully anew for a peaceful, harmonious and conscious living together on planet Earth.

Banyan Feigen

(Ficus benghalensis)

Vélez-Málaga, Spanien

Die Karawane des Goldenen Lebensbaumes hat als nächste Licht-Station die herrlichen Banyan-Feigen in Vélez-Málaga am 03. März 2015. Es sind vier riesige Baum-Wesen, die als lebendige Säulen einen Platz vor der Markthalle im Stadtzentrum bereichern.

Banyan Feigen in Vélez-Málaga

Botanisch: Ficus benghalensis
Standort: Vélez-Málaga, Spanien
Koordinaten: 36.782441, -4.110214
Umfang: unbekannt
Höhe: unbekannt
Alter: unbekannt

Impressionen: http://tinyurl.com/ficus-benghalensis-malaga

Weitere Einblicke in die unterschiedlichen Aspekte der Ficus benghalensis:

Parc Natural Du Verdon (France)

On our route through France the Divine Guidance is leading to the beautiful Parc Natural Du Verdon. Upon intuition we meet Bruno and Lulu, the friendly and hospitable keepers of Camping Municipal Notre Dame in Bauduen at the Lac de Saint Croix. Inspired by the Project of the Golden Lifetree and our journey they show us some wonderful Tree-treasures of the Verdon…

The local „Tree-Man“ Phillippe is sharing with us the story how the Tree-beings of the Magic Forest protected their territory and scared away Jules Cesar and his men. Following history Cesar turned around at the Foret du Verdon…

We are very grateful for these presents…


Photos © Golden Lifetree

Impressions of Silent Visit in Frejús (France)

Quercus suber in the picturesque Parc Auréliene along with many other beautiful trees

…and some impressions from the beautiful Parc Aurélien which inherits many wonderful beings tenderly taken care of by a very nice „Botanic Man“ who showed us some of the „hidden tresures“…

Photos: © Smoenjala ~ Golden Lifetree